Pläne Take your 360 pictures to the next level

  • Grundkonto

    ${ && formatMonthlyAmount(} Monat monatliche Abrechnung billed annualy , ${ && formatAmount(} pro Jahr
    • Unbegrenzter Speicherplatz
    • Unlimited uploads
    • Unlimited views
    • Embed on your website
    • CDN to load images faster
    • Image Optimizations

      Image Optimizations

      We optimize the size of your input image to extract maximum performances during 3D rendering.

    • Compression Service

      Compression Service

      We compress your images in multiple formats with no visual quality loss.

      The most efficient compression we used is called WebP, an image file format developed by Google intended as a replacement for JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats.

      It is much more efficient at compressing large images, resulting in smaller files that are faster to load in the player.

    • Slicing Service

      Slicing Service

      Pro Accounts can benefit from our custom Slicing Service, which slices your optimized spherical image into the 6 faces of a cube.

      This makes your player loads 6 times faster because each slice is 6x smaller than the original image and we are loading them in parallel.

    • Hotspots and Virtual Tours

      Hotspots and Virtual Tours

      Pro Accounts can create hotspots or infospots in scenes, also known as annotations.

      A hotspot can create a link from one scene to another.
      An infospot let you add information as an annotation note.

    • Private URLs

      Private URLs

      Pro Accounts can create players with private URLs.

    • Auto description AI model

      Auto Description AI model

      Pro Accounts can benefit from our Auto Description AI model, which generates the most plausible sentence that describes your scene.

      This sentence is then used in the auto-description of the player.

    • Download Original Files
    • Technische Unterstützung
    • Access to the 360player API
  • Unternehmens-Konto

    ${prices.enterprise && formatMonthlyAmount(prices.enterprise.amount)} Monat monatliche Abrechnung billed annualy , ${prices.enterprise && formatAmount(prices.enterprise.amount)} pro Jahr
    • Unbegrenzter Speicherplatz
    • Unlimited uploads
    • Unlimited views
    • Embed on your website
    • CDN to load images faster
    • Image Optimizations

      Image Optimizations

      We optimize the size of your input image to extract maximum performances during 3D rendering.

    • Compression Service

      Compression Service

      We compress your images in multiple formats with no visual quality loss.

      The most efficient compression we used is called WebP, an image file format developed by Google intended as a replacement for JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats.

      It is much more efficient at compressing large images, resulting in smaller files that are faster to load in the player.

    • Slicing Service

      Slicing Service

      Pro Accounts can benefit from our custom Slicing Service, which slices your optimized spherical image into the 6 faces of a cube.

      This makes your player loads 6 times faster because each slice is 6x smaller than the original image and we are loading them in parallel.

    • Hotspots and Virtual Tours

      Hotspots and Virtual Tours

      Pro Accounts can create hotspots or infospots in scenes, also known as annotations.

      A hotspot can create a link from one scene to another.
      An infospot let you add information as an annotation note.

    • Private URLs

      Private URLs

      Pro Accounts can create players with private URLs.

    • Auto description AI model

      Auto Description AI model

      Pro Accounts can benefit from our Auto Description AI model, which generates the most plausible sentence that describes your scene.

      This sentence is then used in the auto-description of the player.

    • Download Original Files
    • Technische Unterstützung
    • Access to the 360player API

Change your currency We support billing in your own currency


Why 360player is the best immersive player in town

Feather icon

Lightweight code (90KB minimized and gzipped) that can be cached forever so users can load the pictures faster than ever.

Electronic device icon

Compatible with 99% of browsers and devices, even with mobile browsers not supporting WebGL. (Magic, right?)

Download icon

Our image pipeline converts your 360 picture into the most efficient projection type and creates multiple optimized versions of it.

Upload your pictures Kostenlos ausprobieren